Virginia Tech® home


Hokie Spa
The Hokie Spa system enables you to access your student account, enter course requests, drop add classes, and even view unofficial copies of your transcripts.

University Bursar
Questions about tuition and billing?

Technology support desk
Virginia Tech's one stop shop for computer support. Get free computer assistance from 4help or download free antivirus software

University Status
In times of inclement weather or other situations, it may be necessary for the university to close or delay the opening of the Blacksburg campus or other university locations across the state.

Canvas is the course management system used to support many classes.

University Registrar
Provides academic calendars and transcript request information

Graduate School Forms 
Relevant graduate school forms, including Certification of Defending Status, Request for Reduced Tuition Rate for Grades K-12, and Application for Virginia In-State Tuition Rates.

University Libraries
Get access to over 3 million volumes and explore all there is to see.

VT Online
Achieve your goals from anywhere.

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